Donate to the

Newcomer Scholarship Fund

The MCAF Newcomer Scholarship Fund, a registered charity established in 2011, assists newcomers to Canada with their post-secondary education. Funding for the scholarship is obtained by charitable donations and fundraising events operated by MCAF and partners, and generous donations from the community. 

Since 2011, a total of 128 scholarships have been awarded for a value of $204,500.

How to Donate

Via e-transfer:
In the message section, please type your contact info and what your donation is for. Send your e-transfer to

Via Canada Helps
All donations via Canada Helps will go to the MCAF Newcomer Scholarship Fund. A charitable receipt will be issued. The fee of 3.75% from one-time donations or 3.5% from monthly donations will be deducted.

Donation by Cash or Cheque:
Mail or drop off at:
Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc.
28 Saunders Street
Fredericton New Brunswick Canada  E3B 1N1
Phone: (506) 454-8292

You will receive a charitable gift receipt.

In May, MCAF hosts the annual Newcomer Scholarship Fundraiser Online Auction. To donate auction items, please contact us at

Other ways you can help

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Newcomer Welcome Baskets

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Cultural Expressions Festival

Held every June

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