Get Started: Intake and Referral Services

We look forward to meeting with you!
To access any of the MCAF programs and services please register with the MCAF first.
Step 1. Complete and submit the intake form.
Step 2. A MCAF Settlement Intake, Needs & Assets Assessment and Referrals (SINAARs) worker will contact you within 2 working days to make an appointment for an in-person or virtual meeting.
Please make sure to upload your Canadian Government issued document: Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR), Work Permit, Study Permit, or Visitor Permit before submitting the registration form.
MCAF SINAR gathers your personal information to provide appropriate referrals to programs and services to better meet your needs. Find more information here.
The MCAF Settlement Intake staff introduce and make referrals to a range of programs, services and resources at MCAF and in the larger community including:
- English or French language assessments
- English or French language classes
- Resources in Fredericton
To assess your needs and make your settlement plan visit this link.